Hello! My name is Yoga Bayu

Technology Enthusiast

Im a Web3 and Technology Enthusiast with a Economics background. I enjoy the process of turning ideas into reality using creative solutions. I’m always curious about learning new skills, tools, and concepts.

So, should we get to know each other better? If yes, please contact me ^_^

Contact Me
Photo Profile

What I Do..

Wouldn't it be nice to have a helping hand?

Project Builder

I've been tinkering with community and project for more than a 2 years now. If you've got an idea for brilliant project, ping me for good. Whether it's a website, or some other community tools, I've got the experience to bring it to life.

Landing Page Website

Deeply immersed in the world of website, I'm ready to provide you with web services. From setting up your website, designing your UI, helping you to set the animation, and deploying your website.

Socmed Bots

If you're looking to jazz up your community group, I'm here to offer you my bots for Discord, Telegram and Whatsapp. From bots that can talk to you, or bots that want to be your CEO.

My Portfolio

Not all of them can be displayed, but some of them won't hurt...

Tarot Artist Portfolio

Are you an artist or illustrator? or even do you want to create a landing page for your project? Maybe a personal website will be enough to help you

Moderating Server 24/7

Maybe you don't have enough time to manage your server alone, so I'm ready to help you

Create Discord Bot Price

Do you need decoration and bots to upgrade your personal server? I can help you to create a custom bot with Javascript!

Create Telegram Bot Price

Do you have a telegram server? Let's customize it with some bots that can help your work!

Past Collaboration

Of course I want to thank several projects that I have collaborated

Photo Profile

About Me

A Teenager With A Big Dreams

I wasn't always a Tech Enthusiast. Previously, I studied at an outstanding Uniersity in Indonesia with economics major, and also participated in various organizations there.

In 2020, I started to enter the world of Web3, starting from become an Airdrop Hunter, until now starting to learn more about Web3 and Tech.

I spent about 3 years as a freelancer, mostly designing & building project communities, building bots for their servers, as well as being an ambassador for several projects. The thing i liked about freelancing is the opportunity to help small businesses.

In 2021 I started working as Head of Community Manager at Cykura Finance, an AMM DEX built on the Solana blockchain. I was in the Community Team, where my main focus is building a healthy and active community. My marketing background comes in handy here. During my time there, we gained over 100K new members.

In 2023 I started a new role as Chapter Leader in a global web3 community called Offchain Global.

I am also excited to continue learning about Tech Development, Economics, UI/UX and Data Analysis.